Pemantauan Volume Infus Berbasis Internet of Things
Pemantauan Volume Infus Berbasis Internet of Things Kelompok B-10 1. Ivan Jakeh Dwi Utomo ( 2. Nimas Ayu Oktaviana ( Ivan Jakeh Dwi Utomo 1 , Nimas Ayu Oktaviana 2 , Samuel Beta Kuntarjo 3 . Mahasiswa dan Dosen Program Studi Teknik Elektronika, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Semarang. E-mail: ivanjakeh04 1 , nimasayuokta 2 , 3 Abstract— Infusion is one of the actions that under certain conditions is used to replace lost fluids and balance electrolytes in the body. However, in daily practice, problems often occur due to nurse negligence and lack of nurse resources in hospitals when monitoring patient infusions. Therefore, it is necessary to build a prototype of the infusion volume monitoring system that can be monitored from outside the room. So, a load cell sensor is mounted on the infusion pole to detect the volume of the infusion fluid in percent (%).The sensor reading data is processed and sent b